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Bundle Installation

It is possible to collect one or more custom entities into a package that can be installed onto a site. We call these packages a bundle. Adding a bundle is a quick way to set up a site with lists and pages.

Bundles can be installed from two locations, the public library or custom bundle files.

Note : For more information on custom bundle creation and their structure, see Bundles

Install from the public library

To install a bundle from the public library

  1. Navigate to Designer and scroll down to Maintenance, expand and select Bundles

Bundles menu location

  1. On the Rapid Platform Bundles page you will see a list of publicly available bundles. Select a bundle to see its details.

Bundles Card Install

  1. To install a bundle click the Install button. After a brief install period you should see the bundle marked as installed.

Installed card

Install from a custom bundle

  1. Navigate to Designer and scroll down to Maintenance, expand and select Bundles

Bundles menu location

  1. On the Rapid Platforms Bundles page click the + Install Bundle button to bring up a file dialogue.

Install from file button

  1. Select the bundle file you want to install

Select bundle file

After a brief installation period you should see your new entities in the entity list.